Sunday, June 30, 2019

Turn off your mind …

Turn off your mind …

The above book was hailed as an interesting read by a YouTube exorcist and of course Pope Benedict hailed the sixties as the reason why the clergy raped child … all that free love … all that hard rock all that drug use … blah… blah… blah    one saying the devil made me do it… one saying, the music made me do it … how about stepping up to the plate and take personal responsibility for actions … hey I was a “late member” of the 1960’s age… I did not do drugs … I knew many who did… I did not dance naked in fields, I knew people who did … they were harmless to high on drugs out to be a threat to anyone and they certainly did not rape or molest kids … The book calls out Charlie Manson as an example of the evil of 1960’s music … Charlie Manson was an evil of any generation and of any musical genre … In the early 1970’s I worked as a professional model in NYC and was part of the movie production Hair …  I learned in life there are perverts in every industry where there is a lot of money and power …

I find what happened to music during the time of Nazi’s more interesting … the entire system of “tuning musical instruments” was changed … the music tones and vibrational patterns we use here now are not what it was 100 years ago … so those with “perfect pitch” post 1939 … really do not have prefect pitch they have a vibrational pattern that is different… case in point if you listen to Georgian chants in 432 Hz you can be transported away in your meditation (at least I can) … in 440Hz the sound gets agitating  after a while … we as human beings are “energy beings”… our brain waves are responding to tone and sound and electrical stimulation … and yes given the wrong tones and sounds … one can go insane or become evil … the military has sound weapons …      

 ​In 1939, the music industry shifted from 432 Hz to 440 Hz. "Why?" 
How does 432 Hz work?

Based on cymatics research, which is the study of vibrational patterns that are the result of exposing matter to certain frequencies (like water or sand), there's a big difference between A=440 and A=432.

The water sound images of A=432 are more clear with much higher harmonics, while A=440 just looks like "bad soup". I refer to the research of Robert Boerman The cohhlea in our inner ear is a water filled spiral, which resonates naturally to music tuned to A=432 Hz

I really like science so I am not going to get super nerdy here … but listen to the video below you can hear the difference … the 432 Hz is pleasant to the ear … whereas the 440 Hz is not as much … now that standard is applied to all music and it was in the 1960’s … not just Rock but all music  … so if they want blame “the devil for hard rock”… go back to 1939 and ask why were the musical standards changed … the “devil is in the details” ... 

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Pretty … pretty … princess… and being a man …

Ah how cute … isn’t she  … she is one of my granddaughters … and like me, she is a “princess”… When her and her sister were very small we would play “dress up” together and play their favorite game “Pretty, pretty princess”… the goal was to see how fast you could collect all the pieces to be “The princess who wins the game” … you had to collect a ring and wear it, a necklace and wear it and finally the crown (when you got that you won the game!) … Much to the delight of this little girl and her sister their father (my son-in-law) would play the game many times with them… and I would walk into the room and see my 6 foot tall son-in-law wearing a necklace, a ring and sometimes even a crown!  It made me laugh and think …wow this man is such a good father …

And I thought about what Jesus said about “Our Heavenly Father”… what good father (on earth) gives his child a rock, when he asked for bread… would a father give his child a snake, when he asked for a fish … if you on earth know how to be good fathers how much more does your heavenly Father know how to provide good things for you … I smiled and thought to myself,  I bet our Heavenly Father would even play pretty, pretty princess with a child in heaven … to make them giggle …

On another occasion my son-in-law and I were talking, about men who cheat on their wives … My son-in-law quickly corrected me and said this … “men do not cheat on their wives, boys do”… wow … I love that statement and what wisdom therein … so grow up all “you boys” who are married, be a man and play Pretty, pretty princess with your daughter!     

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Same Jesus Christ in the Tabernacle as in the Monstrance

On this the feast of Corpus Christi … I need be fair to all Pastors,  you do not need to have “formal adoration”, i.e. Jesus in a Monstrance on the Altar … but you should be promoting prayer before the Tabernacle.. (Same Jesus) …

I have run across Catholics who bitch and complain their Pastors do not have formal adoration… as if Jesus magically becomes “greater” in a Monstrance than he is in the Tabernacle … hmm let me ponder that philosophically, spiritually, metaphysically … let me even throw in “scientific thought” … such as Schrodinger's cat (is Jesus alive in the Monstrance and dead in the Tabernacle???)  … Let me even think particle entanglement… is the essence (particles) of the second person of the Blessed Trinity greater in the Monstrance than the Tabernacle???  

Maybe I should think … Occam's razor the problem-solving principle that states "entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily". So is Jesus more powerful in the Monstrance and not as powerful in the Tabernacle …

Are these Catholics who think they can only “adore” Jesus Christ’s True presence in the Eucharist, when He is on the altar in a Monstrance, really saying there is a “ greater and lesser” Jesus Christ (Monstrance greater … Tabernacle lesser) … Not true … by Jesus’ own words,  “I Am”… yep the great “I Am” can be found 24/7 in the Tabernacle and occasional in a Monstrance … but why wait for the scheduled adoration time at your church, go now avoid the rush … spend time with Jesus Christ before the Tabernacle …    

Jesus Christ here

Jesus Christ here 
No difference same God/man in both places ... 

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Catty … catty ….catty …wow… herding cats instead of souls

I normally check out church news on the internet, from various sources … I do not limit myself to seeking out “conservative news or liberal news sites” and wow what a cat fight is going on inside the church… complete chaos on many levels … the battle is on! It is a cat fight of epic proportions, and they say,  “women can be catty”, yet these men of the “cloth” within the hierarchy are blowing the women out of the park, with their clawing and hissing at each other …  One Cardinal swiping his claws at another, then the Bishops jump in and go for the jugular of opposing Bishops to their thinking … amazing … and sad … those who should be “herding souls to Jesus Christ” as shepherds in  his church, are now in need of herding themselves and you know how difficult it is to herd cats (next to impossible) … what are we to do as laity??? How are we to survive the big cats attacking each other???  We could get caught in their fight and be clawed to death!

Here is what you do … pray to the really Big Cat … the one called “The Lion of Judah”… the hierarchy  is The Lion of Judah’s “pride” … lion speak for his peeps …  One roar or swipe from The Lion of Judah, will straighten them all out …     

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Supernatural traits, special grace from God, maybe, maybe not

Since this has been going on with me (mysticism) for 30 years one becomes familiar with the territory. I have had many conservations over the years with priests, Bishops, a couple of Cardinals, psychologists, psychiatrists and other people who have a deep prayer life. Although I am not a student of psychology, I am fascinated with the human brain and its capacities (still mostly unknown).

Now when I speak this way to some laity, they will react with “it is all from God it is a miracle”, why do you question it or bring science into it… because in addition to having a “spiritual life” I also have critical thinking (some would call it discernment), this is not taken away from a mystic, (it might even be heightened in the mystic)  if it is not I would question the truth of that mystic (as in is it coming from a higher source, God, or coming from self)… As long as we are on this plane of existence taking custody of one’s thinking is essential in all areas of life, but most importantly in areas of deep spirituality … or you can lapse into magical thinking or prideful thinking. Any one past or present labeled mystic or saint or sinner … same God made them all …same God gave them all grace, but what makes one response to grace and another not???? Or even turn away from grace???

I have spoken to doctors,  about my fasting as well in the past … extreme fasting one might say, one being for 30 months only eating on Sundays, another time for 13 months only eating Sunday. Another time 4 months only eating on Sunday. I did lose weight during these times of fasting,  but then my weight would stabilize and I would lose no more (I never looked sickly or to thin)   … and most doctors wanted to take blood work, see if I had muscle density loss, MRI’s to see if I did any internal organ damage from the fasting . I would allow physical exams, but not the MRI stuff and I also had blood work done, all tests were always within “normal range” …

Fasting heightens your awareness to things in the world, it elevates your consciousness, where without fasting you think local or familiar, with fasting your thinking is more global … you have mental pictures of those who are poor, suffering, hungry .. your prayer life is deepened and praying seems to be more from the “heart” as if the prayer is more of a “plea to God”… such as help this person they so need you and that type of prayer sees fast results … and you love people more when you fast (I mean seriously fasting) … I think a “super charged soul” how is that for a play on the word “mystic” … that soul first falls deeply in love with God, that soul cannot imagine life without God anymore and it longs to return to God (that I think is grace) and then that same soul falls in love with God’s people (it really does) prayer for the stranger is the same as that for a loved one, it really is and it is coming right from the heart … just looking and talking to another person brings the “mystic” joy,  for they see in that person the face of God and it makes them happy …  

“Serious Fasting” can also suspend a natural occurrence, I have seen it happen, I have asked in prayer for it to happen and it did. Truly there is nothing more powerful on this planet than prayer, fasting and faith (serious prayer, fasting and faith)

Yet there are also things labeled “supernatural in the past” that just might not be … such as “seeing words in color” when someone speaks.  There have been people made saints centuries ago in the church, who had that trait, and because of their limited knowledge, the church did not understand, this could be a genetic issue not a supernatural one …

I have seen words in color (my case golden in color when a priest reads from the Gospel) some say “grace” I say, maybe not (because of my analytical mind) I think, do I just have a form of synesthesia??? …

Yet then my analytical mind will also think … but I only see this phenomena when a priest reads from the Gospel and there is no variation in color … the words are always “in gold” and I never see words in color at any other time and I only see the color gold … hmmm grace or science ???

Next “hearing things” that others do not and knowing things others do not … with the hearing I actually had my DNA tested to see if I had a gene for Misophonia or Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome, I tested positive for this gene … yet those who test positive for this gene usually hate sounds… the “hidden sounds I have heard brought me joy, deep peaceful joy”… like the sound of the Virgin Mary’s voice … it is beautiful and melodic in a tone and a pitch not heard on earth. Her voice is like a tuning fork for happy!

So at the end of the day, I think I have grace, I think everyone has grace, why am I able to roll with it like I do???? But I will keep thinking about it …


Perceptual Psychology versus the True Mystic

I have learned deep spirituality has nothing to do with religions; no matter the affiliation. God is God to all, or he is not God at all and if we live, in the time of salvation, as all Christians are called to believe per the message of Christ, and the workings of the Cross.  And Christ’s words spoken; “there is nothing that can separate you from the love of God” … if any church, whose doctrines, dogmas and rules no matter the denomination are going against this time of salvation mandate of Christ; “let all come to me”, which has been given to the world by the presence of the Cross, in human history this church is not functioning as an instrument of God, but setting itself up for a power base on earth. Thus missing the point of Christ’s kingdom is not of this world.  

The labeling of good and bad holds no meaning to the true follower of Jesus Christ, for we are not in the time of judgment, but the time of salvation given to all. For any given religion to stop anyone, from sacramental rights; be they gay or divorced or whatever is contradictory to the message of salvation. When any church does this it is no longer, playing by “God’s rules of salvation”, with the mind frame; “come to me all who labor and are heavy burdened”…. Such a church, is playing by their “man made laws” to control and manipulate the people/ children of God … If ever there was/ is an abuse of the commandment, “Thou shall not use the Name of the Lord God in Vain”   … such churches, who marginalize or reject any person for any reasons, are doing just that using the name of the Lord God in vain, and the vanity is their seeking human power and control in the name of God on earth. Same goes for any person if they think, they are better and judge others, by their own standards and precepts, and they as well are missing the point of redemption and the time of salvation.

I was told, by my former diocesan priest, spiritual director, and I had several, over the last 29 years; they are not “trained in the seminary, to deal with people like me”  … as in they are not trained to really think and act on deep spirituality, within a soul,  their agenda is far more superficial and worldly, which is be a priest is to run a parish, instill the rules of the church into these people, and collect money from them, it stops there… No real reaching of and for higher self, taught, or even encouraged, within the training of the priest, it is more a corporate training given to them. Was this the intent, of Christ upon the church and Saint Peter? I think not!  
Once the diocesan priests said they no longer can deal with me, for they were not taught about, “mystics” in the seminary and how to deal with them, I was given over to the Jesuits, the “brainy acts” of the church. There I had many lively discussions of what it means to be spiritual, yet still a lingering protocol of the Catholic mandate, was and is upon them. The Jesuits were not afraid to verbalize to me, who was gay in their community (and this was 12 years ago) and who was straight in their community, they did seem to shy away from traditional marriage though and any role a heterosexual married man could play in the priesthood, which I found strange. One Jesuit even said to me, the Jesuits will never allow a married man into their order, again this was 12 years ago… and I wondered,  why the deep aversion to women and men being married, which would disqualify them from being a priest. (The original 12 apostles were all married men)  

Yet the Jesuits (to whom I had past discussions with)   were open to thought and the exchange of ideas, with the laity, and did not seem to frown as much upon the laity, as being “mindless sheep” as the diocesan priests seem to do. (Those I had discussions with years ago and some current)  The Jesuits did seem to have contempt for the diocesan priests though as being the “dumb ones of the church”, yes the Jesuits can be somewhat snobbish academically; towards the fastest way to become a priest, and that is via the diocesan system of priestly education.  Tragic oxymoron, the least educated in spirituality holds the most influence on the people of God, within the Catholic Church. (the diocesan priest)  The home parish, the place, which should be a launching pad for deep spirituality in the local church, is in essence a chain that holds the soul down; by their own admission “we are not trained to deal, with people like you” … A clear case of the need for revision, in the formulation of the priest; this of course in addition, to the sexual scandals, within the priesthood.
Fascinating slam dunk advice, one Jesuit advisor gave me, with “Mary Jo, you know why the church held the Inquisitions, so many centuries ago”… Why yes, Father, to force everyone to become Catholic, I said … “No Mary Jo, was the Jesuit’s response it was to track down and kill people like you, the church hates the real mystic,  people like you are a threat to them. You cannot keep your mouth shut and you tell it like it is and you do not stay on their game plan of the power base, within the church, you threatened them. So they either have to discredit the “real” mystic or kill them, they do not want the truth out.” Wow, father, I said that is pretty bleak, no wonder no one signs up to be a mystic. “Yes Mary Jo, all mystics are drafted into the role by God. And God does seem to pick the most disagreeable people”….Hmmm … was I just insulted, by this priest, I now thought??? …  I then thought… had I known this I would have fled to a “spiritual Canada”, to avoid the draft …  
So this “Goldilocks” alleged mystic still searched for the perfect priest to take her cue from … But wait … that is the point… the answer… to why … anyone is called to deep spirituality… to mysticism … it is the call of the perfect priest, it is Jesus Christ himself calling … “Come to me and I shall give you rest” and he throws in peace, to top it off!!!        

It does seem, I am locked and loaded, and taking shots at the Catholic Church only this is not the case. I see something even more destructive on the “religious horizon” … and that is the “Political Christian” or the Political fundamentalists of any domination… They are really scary folks; I do not know what their God is all about, other than hate and division.

The “real mystics”, the Jesuit planted a seed, in my mind; who has the hierarchy of Catholic Church, declared a “real” Mystic in the past; hmmm they all walked in lock step with the teachings of the hierarchy at the time so who really was “real”???  Or have they,

always declared saints and mystics from those people, who follow their protocol and “earthly agendas” …???

The church does state, mystical experiences, can be of the mind only from the person’s wanting such, and hence they are delusional of sorts, or maybe, they are just “religious zealots”, having such a deep human belief system, ingrained in them, they are manifesting what their exposure, in life has been, in regards to God.

I did not have “religious exposure growing up” there was no deeply religious belief system in my formative years  or a religious script placed into my childhood psychology …
You cannot separate human psychology and perception, from deep spirituality while we are in the flesh. I will put an exception to that statement, and it is God, for he can do whatever he wants, he is above natural law…yet the preference of God is to work through “natural law”, thorough which we have all been given his graces and for lack of better words “standards” …
 When pondering this once, as to why I seem to track on a different level of thinking at times, a priest gave me a very interesting answer and I think he might be right. The priest said this “God is using my Native intellect, when I am thinking like a mystic”… so I wonder is all of humanity’s “Native intellect” of a higher nature, than our fallen nature (i.e. sinful nature) … if that be the case Adam and Eve lost more when they fell, more than their deep connection with God, they also lost a higher intelligence and their perceptional psychology to see God and know God.     

Backyard Salmonella

For several years now it has been “trendy” to keep chickens in your backyard. To have fresh eggs each day!  Me I just go to the grocery store and buy eggs, where I know they have been “inspected” for such things as “salmonella” and they have been packed under federal guide lines. (And of course I buy those cage free eggs), which are more expensive, why???  (But that is another story)

I recently read there is an outbreak of “salmonella” with those backyard chicken farmers. The CDC estimates Salmonella causes about 1.2 million illnesses, 23,000 hospitalizations, and 450 deaths in the United States every year.

Those “backyard chicken farmers” usually are not aware of the danger of salmonella as in properly handling the eggs and the caring for the chickens, and it has been reported that some of these chicken farmers actually pick up their chickens and hug them and even kiss them, ok I am all about animal rights but that is just gross! Some of these chickens are also allowed into their owner’s homes and they walk around where food is being prepared, again gross!

So why do I write about backyard chicken farmers???? I will relate this activity to those who are “backyard apparition chasers”… there have been many alleged sightings of the angels, the Virgin Mary and other Biblical figures in the backyards of some people. Such sightings have also been “on walls, on trees, on window glass and even on toast!” And people “flock to them” (a chicken joke??? i.e. “flock”) …

So here is my CDC warning, no wait my ADS warning (apparitions don’t save) to all those “apparition backyard flocks” …. I have a lot of issues with the Catholic Church and the way the hierarchy has conducted itself, yet I know within the church is the True Presence of Jesus Christ, the God/man who does save …

So please my fine feathered friends, do not contaminant yourselves with spiritual salmonella,  fly out of those backyard apparitions and perch inside the church and in front of the Tabernacle … where you will be given the “seeds” of salvation, via the grace of the Savior himself … and you can even “Tweet” about it,  I do!       

get off the hills
stay away from the glass

and come in here to pray before the second person of the Blessed Trinity in the Tabernacle 

Jesus needs a "safe space"

I try to go to daily Mass and during the week this is usually with retired people. Retired people who seem to need, to have their cell phones with them during the 30 minute Mass, and not turn them off while at Mass …  So during the Mass I will hear the occasional “train horn” coming from one man (his phone ringer sound) at one end of the church,  I will hear “chimes” coming from another senior’s phone, and across the church I will hear the ping of an incoming text message on another senior’s cell phone … and I think what is so important that they need to have their cell phones with them in church (just leave it in the car) … is it for “help as in I have fallen and cannot get up” ??? …
 Well there are other people in the church, if they fall we will see it and help them get up (not to mention when they fall “spiritually”, Jesus helps them get up again) … is it because they are setting up a date for lunch or perhaps a bingo game later that day??? Or maybe their friend Harriet or Harry just has to talk to them about her / his latest doctor’s appointment, something many seniors like to talk about, in church their doctors and aliments … or just gossip in general … and to add to this, since most of them do not hear well … their phone audio is on high so when that train horn ringer goes off, I have to suppress not jumping up and shouting “all abroad!” It is that rude and obnoxious! 

Church and Mass is supposed to be a “safe space”, for Jesus Christ when he appears on the altar at the time of consecration and when he remains with us in the Tabernacle, these cell phones are disturbing “Jesus’ safe space”… I might have to ask the Pastor if I can bring a “comfort dog” into church for the Mass and then have the dog lay down, by the Tabernacle, you know the kind of dog you see at the airport and such, when a person is in a high stress environment and the person needs reassurance and comfort and the dog gives it to them. For it is obvious that many at Mass are not paying attention to Mass (especially at consecration) they are checking their phones …

You know we live in a society that we all must be sensitive to others and what might trigger a horrible and scary memory for someone … and I think poor Jesus Christ at each Mass, he is remembering his pain and suffering on the Cross and what he did to save us all … and what are his people doing at this time … checking their phone! WOW … poor guy … bring in the comfort dog!  

What irony those same people who are checking their cell phones are the same ones that pray for comfort and help from God and they ask God to be attentive to their prayers … when they cannot even shut off their cell phone inside of church and be attentive during Mass … 


Saturday, June 15, 2019


Hey are you LinkedIn?  I have an account there as well as one on Facebook, twitter, snap chat, instant gram etc. …. All of that means I am “social” and savvy right?  I am current and up to date as to how society communicates … who speaks face to face anymore, or actually uses a phone (to speak that is not text) … cut me a break,  who does that!!! And hey who has to think anymore … you need information just ask Google or Siri, you will get your answer in a hot minute, no need for brain power anymore. No need for social skills anymore, no need to fact check anymore and no need to think anymore … your mobile device will do all of that for you… isn’t that what the tech companies’ software and A.I. is for,  “to create your thoughts”,  formulate your opinions …  who out there in the ether of the internet,  is an independent thinker????

 Who could survive a long term power failure that shuts down all your devices…?  Do you know how to grow your own food instead of auguring,  which is “organic or GMO”, do you know how to give and use basic first aid, use herbs and plants in the environment if you did not have medicine.  Do you know how to build shelter, start a fire for warmth???  How about milk a cow, churn butter or collect honey from bees (don’t look it up on your phone now, remember this is a pretend power failure) … are you only as “smart” as your smart phone (when it is turned on?) 

Here I will be blunt … social media in society is a giant clusterfuck (US Army code "CF”) … it has turned everyone upside down and they speak from their “ass” … you know that anal sphincter made for defecation … now everyone has a “ass in life”, it is just nature, as in “shit happens” (but do we have to share of our personal crap, and throw it at each other online)   … really???  Do we truly need to be “assholes online and hurt each other”… does it make us feel better about ourselves to tear someone down??? … can we really only feel big, by making someone feel small??? Are we all that insecure and our need to be heard so big that we need to scream and fight, with each other…? 

Wow if ever we needed a Savior it is now!!!!!!!!!! To save us from ourselves … so I urge all of you to start a “faith book” account (no internet connection needed, it works during a power failure) actually is its own power source! And I encourage you all to “Face Time” with God, say a prayer it automatically connects you to God’s personal account … and you can buy one of those “old devices” the Bible and read it and be a iPray device in life and put down your iPhone …

Friday, June 14, 2019

Cultural appropriation

Yep it is come to that in society, wear a garment, choose a hairstyle  not of your native culture and you are “appropriating” a culture not your own … decorate your space, or business with a cultural flare not your own and yep … you got it …you are “ripping off another’s culture” …hmmm this is from the society that says, “we are all equal, people are all the same, let there be no borders,  build bridges”….  a tragic oxymoron if ever I saw one… we are all the same,  but do not wear anything from my culture or build that bridge if it looks like my culture, because you are not in it !!! ????

Where have I seen that kind of behavior before … oh I got it in feral cats and in dogs… they go around pissing off their “space” to claim it as their own and marking their territory … classic animal behavior … but  we are “human beings” a step above animal behavior, aren’t we???  Must we piss off our territory and piss everyone off in the process of doing so???   

But wait I know a guy, whose culture he hopes you do appropriate,  the name of this guy is Jesus Christ … His culture is one of tolerance, mercy, love and forgiveness … yep, go ahead put on His cultural garment of faith, He takes no offense, in fact He delights in seeing you wear it!