Hey are you LinkedIn? I have an account there as well as one on
Facebook, twitter, snap chat, instant gram etc. …. All of that means I am
“social” and savvy right? I am current
and up to date as to how society communicates … who speaks face to face
anymore, or actually uses a phone (to speak that is not text) … cut me a break,
who does that!!! And hey who has to
think anymore … you need information just ask Google or Siri, you will get your
answer in a hot minute, no need for brain power anymore. No need for social
skills anymore, no need to fact check anymore and no need to think anymore …
your mobile device will do all of that for you… isn’t that what the tech
companies’ software and A.I. is for, “to
create your thoughts”, formulate your
opinions … who out there in the ether of the internet, is an independent thinker????
Who could survive a long term power
failure that shuts down all your devices…?
Do you know how to grow your own food instead of auguring, which is “organic or GMO”, do you know how to
give and use basic first aid, use herbs and plants in the environment if you
did not have medicine. Do you know how
to build shelter, start a fire for warmth??? How about milk a cow, churn butter or collect
honey from bees (don’t look it up on your phone now, remember this is a pretend
power failure) … are you only as “smart” as your smart phone (when it is turned
Here I will be blunt … social media in society is a giant clusterfuck
(US Army code "CF”) … it has turned everyone upside down and
they speak from their “ass” … you know that anal sphincter made for defecation … now everyone has a “ass in life”, it
is just nature, as in “shit happens” (but do we have to share of our personal
crap, and throw it at each other online)
… really??? Do we truly need to be “assholes online and
hurt each other”… does it make us feel better about ourselves to tear someone
down??? … can we really only feel big, by making someone feel small??? Are we
all that insecure and our need to be heard so big that we need to scream and
fight, with each other…?
Wow if ever we needed a Savior it is
now!!!!!!!!!! To save us from ourselves … so I urge all of you to start a
“faith book” account (no internet connection needed, it works during a power
failure) actually is its own power source! And I encourage you all to “Face
Time” with God, say a prayer it automatically connects you to God’s personal
account … and you can buy one of those “old devices” the Bible and read it and
be a iPray device in life and put down your iPhone …