Sunday, June 16, 2019

Jesus needs a "safe space"

I try to go to daily Mass and during the week this is usually with retired people. Retired people who seem to need, to have their cell phones with them during the 30 minute Mass, and not turn them off while at Mass …  So during the Mass I will hear the occasional “train horn” coming from one man (his phone ringer sound) at one end of the church,  I will hear “chimes” coming from another senior’s phone, and across the church I will hear the ping of an incoming text message on another senior’s cell phone … and I think what is so important that they need to have their cell phones with them in church (just leave it in the car) … is it for “help as in I have fallen and cannot get up” ??? …
 Well there are other people in the church, if they fall we will see it and help them get up (not to mention when they fall “spiritually”, Jesus helps them get up again) … is it because they are setting up a date for lunch or perhaps a bingo game later that day??? Or maybe their friend Harriet or Harry just has to talk to them about her / his latest doctor’s appointment, something many seniors like to talk about, in church their doctors and aliments … or just gossip in general … and to add to this, since most of them do not hear well … their phone audio is on high so when that train horn ringer goes off, I have to suppress not jumping up and shouting “all abroad!” It is that rude and obnoxious! 

Church and Mass is supposed to be a “safe space”, for Jesus Christ when he appears on the altar at the time of consecration and when he remains with us in the Tabernacle, these cell phones are disturbing “Jesus’ safe space”… I might have to ask the Pastor if I can bring a “comfort dog” into church for the Mass and then have the dog lay down, by the Tabernacle, you know the kind of dog you see at the airport and such, when a person is in a high stress environment and the person needs reassurance and comfort and the dog gives it to them. For it is obvious that many at Mass are not paying attention to Mass (especially at consecration) they are checking their phones …

You know we live in a society that we all must be sensitive to others and what might trigger a horrible and scary memory for someone … and I think poor Jesus Christ at each Mass, he is remembering his pain and suffering on the Cross and what he did to save us all … and what are his people doing at this time … checking their phone! WOW … poor guy … bring in the comfort dog!  

What irony those same people who are checking their cell phones are the same ones that pray for comfort and help from God and they ask God to be attentive to their prayers … when they cannot even shut off their cell phone inside of church and be attentive during Mass …