When my eldest daughter was in the Oval Office of the White House meeting President George W. Bush of the United States (which she did many years ago) or in a foreign embassy speaking to leaders of other
Nations, she is on some level a representation of the “household she came out
of”, the person who “raised her”, which is me ...
When my children were growing up I was a strict parent on many levels .. I also insisted on such things as table manners, how to properly greet someone, always remember your please and thank you... I actually sent my daughters to a course in a "finishing school" on how to stand, sit and walk properly if you were in a reception line (proper manners a must for me) ... also they were taught what forks , knives, spoons and glasses to use when eating at formal dinners ... I wanted my daughters to be well educated, well mannered and "polished"... and I remember telling them "I do not want you to embarrass me one day, when you are sitting with the President of the United States or with a foreign leader"... I did not know back then those words would turn out be a prophecy, for indeed that is just what they did in life ...
We all on some level representing the household we come out of ... be it a good or bad home life (I marvel at those who come from a negative background and become successful) ... we are product of nature and nurture ... but some just have such inner grit to make it ... I salute you ...
But let me speak to our "common household" from which we all stem, as children of God ...
You know you are "representing our Dad in heaven", everyday of your life ... so get out there in life and make daddy God proud of you ... if you need extra help just ask him , he will send a few of his angels to assist you ... he even sent his only begotten son to do the same ...