Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Bread of Life

In life we will be given lemons at times, with grace we can make lemonade…

 The “Bread of Life” is the perfect recipe to get you through all trials.

 A theologian might say these were Crosses to test me … maybe … or maybe it was just life presenting itself and affording me the opportunity to grow as a person and become merciful and kinder to others that suffer …

On a spiritual level there are dark forces that seem to be working overtime in our society... these dark forces have always been at play in the world... yet now it seems they are extreme ...

I have been attacked many times on a physical level in life and on a spiritual level and to be frank I do not know how I survived most of these things... if there was not a True God watching over me and over us all ... 

My aim is to instill hope in you as I struggle to maintain it myself as I watch the world grow darker ...