Wednesday, August 14, 2019

There is an App for that

I downloaded an App on my iPhone… it counts my steps and the miles I walk everyday... then it generates a bar graph for each day of the month.  I preset the App to amount of steps I want to walk everyday …

 I try to walk between 4,000 and 10,000 steps per day (2 to 5 miles a day) … If I am lazy and do not walk my preset amount of steps on any given day, my bar graph will flash red …ugh I feel like such a loser on those days …

 I am in competition with myself … I try to beat myself everyday as to how far I walked… So it is me versus me

This is how your spirituality should be … do not pit yourself against someone else’s spirituality, thinking you might be better or you might be worse… it does not matter leave them alone… 

worry about how far you are walking in God’s grace everyday not your neighbor … download a prayer App in your mind and remember to pray every day …try to pray longer and longer everyday …

 here is a trick I use I walk and pray!