My grandsons have a playroom filled with toys; FAO Schwartz
has nothing on them…
I sometimes call the 3 year old “Richie Rich” for all the
toys he has. This playroom is located on the lower level of the house and it is
only used as a playroom.
The main living area is on the two upper levels of the
home… When I am there my three yr old grandson will always ask me to “come down
with him” which, in 3 yr old speak, means go into the playroom with him and play
with him…
I admit there are times that I would prefer to sit in the kitchen and
have a cup of coffee instead of being surrounded by cars, robots, trucks, video
gear and etc… so I will say to my grandson, “you have so many things to play
with in your playroom just go down there an play with something”….
My grandson
will say to me, “no, I need you to play with me”… So I will take my cup of
coffee and sit on the floor, with him in the playroom and I become a character in
the scenario he is currently playing out… This means I can become anything from
a race car driver to a super hero…
Yes, my grandson is happiest not with all his toys but with
the person who enters into his world and “plays with him”…
Of course since I am always thinking of Jesus, as I thought
of my grandson and his need to have someone in “his world”…
I thought this is
what Jesus was trying to convey to me with his asking me to “sit with him”… He
was inviting me into his playroom for lack of better words, “his world” for
although he be the Creator and Master of all, he still seeks for someone to
just “be with him” for he too is like “Richie Rich” but on a cosmic scale and
although he is surrounded by the magnitude of his own creation, without someone
to share it with it is empty…
And then I thought how human is that and of
course he would think that way as being fully human as well as being God… Things
are just things without someone to share it with no matter how many things you
have or the “greatness of them”, they are without meaning unless they be
So as I sit in the playroom located in my grandsons home, I
also look for the time I “play with Jesus” in whatever scenario he calls me to
be in with him… for as he thinks so do I, nothing is worth more then just the
time spent with Him no matter the “toy” in life or even the Cosmos, nothing
compares to just being with Jesus…