Friday, July 19, 2019

Metaphysics and philosophy … of how I love to think about (everything) body and soul

The secretory activity of the pineal gland is only partially understood. Historically, its location deep in the brain suggested to philosophers that it possessed particular importance. This combination led to its being a "mystery" gland with myth, superstition and occult theories surrounding its perceived functions.

 Rene Descartes who dedicated much time to the study of the pineal gland, called it the "principal seat of the soul". He believed that it was the point of connection between the intellect and the body. Descartes attached significance to the gland because he believed it to be the only section of the brain which existed as a single part, rather than one half of a pair. He argued that because a person can never have "more than one thought at a time," external stimuli must be united within the brain before being considered by the soul, and he considered the pineal gland to be situated in "the most suitable possible place for this purpose," located centrally in the brain and surrounded by branches of the carotid arteries  

In the physical body, your eyes look outward - though it views objects upside down.
It next sends the message of what it observes...  to the brain, which interprets the
image and makes it appear right side up to us.

The pineal gland according to “metaphysical folks” is the third eye… this “eye” looks inward …

A true mystic looks inward as well … they shut out stimulus, from the outside world … they still the mind and go deeper and deeper into self … until they get to that “zero point energy space” … there is complete stillness here … not a sound … not a thought … there is peace here … then joy enters into this space… then warmth and love comes into the space …then light … a bright white light (yet it does not hurt the eyes) and then “presence enters in” the presence of God  
And this is absolute truth … if you do this in front of the tabernacle … the presence of God within and around you comes faster … that grace is coming directly from the Tabernacle... It is truth God is everywhere …yet in the Eucharist there is uniqueness and singularity… found in no other place (except that place called heaven)