After posting the story below ... I went to daily Mass there as a visiting priest, who said Mass... This priest had awesome comments about Mary Magdalene !!! What a gift to hear such and may God Bless the priest who said Mass this morning ... please fill your Church with such enlightened souls dear God... It gives me hope to see such a man of God ...
I really do find Mary Magdalene to be a very
interesting person in the historical life of Jesus… For many reasons stemming
from my firm belief that Jesus did love her “more” it is hinted at in the
Cannon. If not by words but by shear presence, and her always being named
“first” as to the women that followed him and also to the fact that there does
appear to have been a “smear campaign” against her by the church until the year
1968 when an apology was given to her. (by John Paul II) Yet this “apology” is really not made
known to the faithful and at the time of lent and the Easter season she is
still unfortunately thought of as being a “prostitute”…
I remember when my daughters were young and were part of the living Stations of the Cross during lent, Mary M was still cast as the “bad girl” and this was well past 1968. Also all the films about Jesus’ life portray her as the “bad girl”…. Makes me thing if Jesus did really love her “more” what an insult to him, by doing this to the woman he loved… I have to then conclude he is not a fan of such tactics used against her.
I remember when my daughters were young and were part of the living Stations of the Cross during lent, Mary M was still cast as the “bad girl” and this was well past 1968. Also all the films about Jesus’ life portray her as the “bad girl”…. Makes me thing if Jesus did really love her “more” what an insult to him, by doing this to the woman he loved… I have to then conclude he is not a fan of such tactics used against her.
As I have stated in an earlier writing, my thoughts, my
process of getting to “truth” as mankind presents it… I challenge what I believe
to be true to make me think, pray and reflect… Then the final outcome is one
based not upon ignorance of the subject, but choice. I do not believe the laity was ever given the truth about Mary Magdalene .. I believe she is a lot more powerful in the dynamics of Jesus Christ than we are told ...
… I cannot formulate anyone’s faith or deepen what they have that is their job on earth … I can only express that which, has been given to me… I quote something Gandhi said as an example… when a woman brought her daughter to him about a “bad habit she had”… Gandhi said to the mother come back in three weeks and then I will speak to her… The woman did so Gandhi spoke to the girl and gave her the perfect answer… with that the mother said, why did you make us wait three weeks to answer us… Gandhi responded, because when you told me of the problem I knew I had the same one, so I needed the time to work it out for myself before I spoke to your daughter…
… I cannot formulate anyone’s faith or deepen what they have that is their job on earth … I can only express that which, has been given to me… I quote something Gandhi said as an example… when a woman brought her daughter to him about a “bad habit she had”… Gandhi said to the mother come back in three weeks and then I will speak to her… The woman did so Gandhi spoke to the girl and gave her the perfect answer… with that the mother said, why did you make us wait three weeks to answer us… Gandhi responded, because when you told me of the problem I knew I had the same one, so I needed the time to work it out for myself before I spoke to your daughter…
As a member of the laity, there seems to be an “uncomfortable”
projection from the hierarchy towards the faithful. They seem
to be threatened at times and rendered defensive about any member of laity who publicly stretches their theological or philosophic thoughts in regards to
“Catholic thinking”…
As I mentioned in a prior writing, I believe there will be a Vatican III ... there has to be ...
Those who cling to pre-Vatican II , show to much rigidity
Those who cling to Vatican II have opened the doors to be too flippant towards the faith (anything goes) ...
There has to be a middle ground or the Church will be 2 Churches instead of one ... or worse the Church will be thousands of Churches with each Bishop being the "Pope" in his diocese and the absolute worst scenario is that every parish becomes a separate entity and the Pastor is the Pope ... that is how divided the Church is right now ... it is in total chaos ... and it might have to be destroyed to be "born again" ... and maybe that is what Jesus Christ meant when he said the gates of hell will not prevail against her ... Christ did not say "she will not be destroyed"... he said, destruction will not prevail ... maybe she needs to die to live forever ... but maybe if the hierarchy would just die to its own power, scandal and greed on earth ... the Church could live ...
I will end this Blog post as I began with Mary Magdalene ...
As I mentioned in a prior writing, I believe there will be a Vatican III ... there has to be ...
Those who cling to pre-Vatican II , show to much rigidity
Those who cling to Vatican II have opened the doors to be too flippant towards the faith (anything goes) ...
There has to be a middle ground or the Church will be 2 Churches instead of one ... or worse the Church will be thousands of Churches with each Bishop being the "Pope" in his diocese and the absolute worst scenario is that every parish becomes a separate entity and the Pastor is the Pope ... that is how divided the Church is right now ... it is in total chaos ... and it might have to be destroyed to be "born again" ... and maybe that is what Jesus Christ meant when he said the gates of hell will not prevail against her ... Christ did not say "she will not be destroyed"... he said, destruction will not prevail ... maybe she needs to die to live forever ... but maybe if the hierarchy would just die to its own power, scandal and greed on earth ... the Church could live ...
I will end this Blog post as I began with Mary Magdalene ...
In 591, Pope
Gregory the Great stated that all three women who followed
Jesus in the Bible were in fact one woman, Mary Magdalene, and this is how she
became labeled as a prostitute, or the unnamed sinner. However the Second
Vatican Council removed the prostitute label in 1969 after much debate and
Biblical evidence that there was more than one Mary and that Mary of Magdalene
and the unnamed sinner were two different figures.
Ugh I can go on and on about the above Pope (who was not
so great) Misogynistic in thinking … oh wait they all were / are … ah I long for the days of Jesus Christ on
earth the first and true “women’s right’s s rights dude” no wait humanity’s
rights … Jesus did not first check your
genitals before he spoke to you or allowed you to speak or give you are a position of authority within
His ministry … no just the hierarchy does that … and the shade and trash talk
about Mary Magdalene carries on to this day …
even in parishes where I know the
Pastor is “enlightened”…
I attended a Mass recently and the pastor spoke of Mary Magdalene being a “sinner”…
cut me a break … stop the lies about this woman of high grace and tell the truth … even John Paul II labeled
her the “Apostle to the Apostles … ugh … will it ever cease … stop throwing shade
and lies on this Holy Woman… to whom Jesus loved the most ….