The 5 Books (given to
Moses) by God … were a “stream of consciousness” … just letters, no punctuation marks … just letters not words … later "words were made" by Scribes … if you ever heard
of the “Bible Code”… computer software
now… the first thing you have to do is remove the “words and punctuation's” from
the first 5 books… and just use the letters (I know it makes no sense for they are
just letters following letters) … some believe this was really a code from God that was given to Moses. To be made known in this day and age..
… if you have ever written
code or learned how “computers speak” they speak in zeros and ones and in pure information
… in this pure information is great detail once decoded
a pure stream of 010111000111110110100001001... in comparison this is what the 5 books of Moses first looked like abedbmeklitwioawr
(just letters of course the letters in Hebrew) …. laced with information ...
a pure stream of 010111000111110110100001001... in comparison this is what the 5 books of Moses first looked like abedbmeklitwioawr
(just letters of course the letters in Hebrew) …. laced with information ...
A stream
of consciousness … my brain works like that at times …a steady stream of consciousness
and images … not even words at times … letters for the thoughts are coming to fast
to write … written language is to slow for a mystic … takes too much time …
imagery is used this is faster … the imagery is placed into the thinking not
with words but with “knowing” telepathically for lack of a better word … writing and speaking are lower forms of communication ...
I can only use words
/ description that are in my lexicon … for lack of better "words" for a mystic
it is like God is typing on their brain, like it is a keyboard and produces symbols
… structure …. Variation not common to the person … such as my thinking at
times will be very profound … next it will be very down to earth … next it will
be in “limerick my words have a rhythm to them” … then the brain is still …
then back to normal … it can be most unsettling … this is why many mystics of the past have been considered "crazy"... their thoughts were so uncommon to the rest of society and as we tend to "judge each other using the standards of ourselves, or what any given religion dedicates as being "spiritual" ... neither things, "being truth" ... This probably accounted to why so many women in the past were labeled "witches" by humanity and the Church ... their thinking was more elevated then those who judged them ...
I guess another example would
be “I am like a ventriloquist’s sock puppet”… it is the ventriloquist who is
speaking via his “sock puppet”
words that just seems to free flow into my mind … fascinating
… am I hard wired to always think God … or is God jump starting my thinking …
Working it through well I can’t, do you
Hang on to your faith
But its wrath
The smug with their words have they never
been tested
Or do they think they are just blessed
Let’s see what they do when they are
I speak of God in my daily events
Yet pain and sorrow comes in and I fold up
my tent
Wondering why was this sent!
Then I remember the guy on the tree
Who hung there ever so patiently?
Did he have to work it through?
Eloi. Eloi. Lama sabachthani.
Did Jesus feel forsaken
on the cross?
Or just expressing his humanity
Not the words of
the Savior of the world
Just a man working
it through
By the way he did
this for you
He laid down his
By the Father’s
To which he was
Do not stop with
My God, My God, why …..
Read the psalm
And that would be number 22
It is the processes of working it through
And coming to agree
God never forsakes me
There are 100 plus places you would rather be
Until you learn from the man on the tree
To suffer it all patiently
He worked it through
And I think he is calling me too
To broaden my life’s view
It was not a matter of chance
It was done to enhance
From the man who was lanced
Can I do this?
No I can’t, don’t have to
The man on the tree did it for me
He showed me how
To work it through now
And it is to him that I bow
Still I am not a fan of my situation
It causes me frustration
At times humiliation
That’s what he went through
I am seeing life as he did view
Until he made it anew
Jo just work it through
How about you?
Below is another example of "thinking in limerick" about God
My compass in life is my heart not my head
Hence my life has been filled with sorrow and dread
I write eBooks for others to read
I speak of life as I wish it could be
Giving visions of hope for all to see
The language of God is not hard to understand
It echoes in the small to the grand
He said he could make rocks praise his name
His gone one better and chosen the lame
Sometimes I wonder why he never sought fame
But speaks of a world so many leave unclaimed
He speaks of things that are simple and pure
Hardly things that will tempt and allure
His friends are fired and torn
Given a life to which they were born
As such they are belittled and scorned
Great grace what does that mean
For one such as me it can hardly be seen
I know he’s real and very much alive
And only through him can I survive
The fact is I wonder if this be the case
Will I ever be able to keep up the pace?
His tempo is fast and hard to learn
I have fallen so many times in this dance
But he always gives me one more chance
If I close my eyes I see his stance
And it is love from the man whose heart was lanced
My God, My God I am lost what is waiting for me
Be kind and reveal all things so I can see
Or are you going to be expecting me to trust
I am not good at trust or anything else
Maybe that is the point to abandon one’s self
Well you see right now it is a matter of health
I’ll move on to forgiveness I just can’t seem to give
Nor do I want to I just want to live
Two negatives I ask of you in this world that is yours
To keep my life and keep my resentments as well
Hardly a graced soul who speaks maybe a spirit of hell
My cry is common and ever so true we the many just forget you
Locked in our pain and our own little worlds
Children of God, yet we live in a zoo
Myopic pathetic and small when unfurled
People of God how can that be
When we do not care and keep nailing you to a tree
Isolation means to be alone
Something you know well as you sit on your throne
Generations are born and centuries pass
I wonder will society ever develop class
Maybe that is the problem they already do
Class as in cast that binds you
Locking the soul and men keeping them bound
Where is the key it must be found?
I heard a man called Peter was given a key
Yet when I go to his house I am charged a fee
Wasn’t salvation supposed to be free?
I have issues as you well know we all do the Bible tells us so
Blind men leading the blind who continue to bind
Free where can it be and by the way who really holds the key?
Wait I know it’s me
Given to all by the man on the tree
Religion is good it teaches you righteous manners
In the end it is Christ that matters
What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven
Just go to the bread and eat the leaven
The one who died and resurrected for you
The one who was betrayed by Peter with a cock-a-doodle-doo
You hold the key and he is the door
So bind your selves no more
Unlock the faith that is within
Allow your heart to be your compass and not your head
Then you will not worry what lies ahead
Rest well and be at peace
God is on his throne and he holds the lease
He has updated the palace and changed all the locks
And he invites people in from many flocks
Not just the guy who is called the rock
That is just a bunch of crock
I am called a Mystic and supposedly touched by God
I think that is rather odd
All things are touched by God and his rod
Mystics can be sadistic
For they demand that everyone be realistic
When they speak about God
Be realistic not egotistic
The key that opens the door is love
And everyone holds it in their heart; placed there from above
Be realistic
We have a short way to go … just look in your chest bro